personal protective equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE).
The Protective Clothing Surgeons Wear
1. Gloves- most common type of personal protective equipment (PPE). Gloves are considered a barrier protecting both you and your patient from the transfer of harmful microorganisms. Always use gloves when you work on a patient. Hygienically prepare your hands before gloving and clean your hands again after removing the gloves and before moving on to your next patient. Gloves are absolutely essential when you have an existing cut or small wound on your own hand and when you are touching any bodily fluid/secretion/excretion.
PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE).
The Protective Clothing Surgeons Wear
1. Gloves- most common type of personal protective equipment (PPE). Gloves are considered a barrier protecting both you and your patient from the transfer of harmful microorganisms. Always use gloves when you work on a patient. Hygienically prepare your hands before gloving and clean your hands again after removing the gloves and before moving on to your next patient. Gloves are absolutely essential when you have an existing cut or small wound on your own hand and when you are touching any bodily fluid/secretion/excretion.
2. Boots-
Theather boots-The operating theater can be a messy/bloody/gutsy place. Surgeons often wear waterproof boots as a protective measure from contamination with blood, puss, amniotic fluid etc.
Boots for emergency workers
Boots should protect your feet. Steel toe are best for this purpose. It should be water-proof, flexible and they must be exactly the right size. They should also be able to protect you against cold weather and punctures. The soles of your boots must provide good traction to prevent you from slipping and sliding down slopes.
Shoe covers are important as they help maintain a sanitary environment by eliminating tracked-in dirt and microbes and they protect the wearer from accidental spills and bodily fluids. Always use shoe covers when entering the operating room or Intensive Care Unit. Alternatively use dedicated surgical boots or shoes.
3. Surgical caps
Even clean recently washed hair is contaminated with loads of bacteria. The surgical cap minimizes the risk of hair falling into the sterile area during surgery. Ensure that all your hair is covered by the surgical cap before proceeding with scrubbing for surgery!
4. Masks, Visors/glasses
A face masks is worn as a barrier to protect the patient against the transfer of harmful microorganisms present in the healthcare professional?s saliva, nasal discharge and facial hair, and to protect the healthcare professional from being infected by microorganisms present in puss, blood, other body fluids, secretions (e.g. saliva) or excretions (e.g. feces) by the patient.
Medical professionals should wear a mask and eye protection or a visor (face shield) to protect mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth during procedures and patient-care activities that are likely to cause splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions. Masks should be worn at all times in restricted areas of the Operating Room – where sterile supplies are opened and at scrub sinks. Masks with face shields or masks and protective eyewear are required whenever splash, spray or droplets of blood or other potentially infectious materials may be generated.
5. Apron
Some surgical procedures may become really ‘messy’ – thus the surgeon needs to protect him/herself by wearing a waterproof apron. Surgical procedures where a lot of bleeding of spill of bodily fluids like amniotic fluid e.g. during a Caesarian section are examples where an apron is needed.
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